By Wellness Author

  • Posted On 2022-01-27


At the beginning of every new year, we promise to take better care of our health and vow to lose those extra kilos we gained in the past year. So, we start following fad diets and exercise regimens in a bid to lose weight as quickly as we can. Sadly, our plans seldom succeed because of the many weight loss myths we believe in.

Today, to help you lose weight the healthy way, we discuss the weight loss myths that do more harm than good. We also discuss the diet myths that need to be replaced with weight loss facts and tips to improve our overall health and achieve our weight loss goals. 

Myth #1 - Fad diets help you lose weight.

The fad diet is one of the biggest weight loss myths, promising quick weight loss but instead damaging our health. These are trendy diet plans that in reality have a very short shelf life. They limit our food choices and restrict the consumption of certain foods, which causes nutritional deficiencies, loss of muscle mass, and a decreased rate of metabolism. Usually endorsed by celebrities, fad diets are costly and harmful to our health. 

Myth #2 - Skip meals to lose weight.

Skipping meals to lose the kilos is a common myth about weight loss. When we skip meals, such as breakfast, we miss out on essential nutrients that provide us with energy. We experience immense fatigue and lethargy that, in turn, hampers our productivity. One of the unknown facts about weight loss is that if we skip the most important meal of the day, we tend to snack more on junk foods for energy and gain excess weight. 

This weight loss myth leads to not only nutritional deficiencies, such as anemia, but also weight gain from consuming unhealthy foods. Selecting wholesome foods and eating three meals per day will keep us energetic throughout the day and aid in weight loss, too.

Myth #3 - Snacks are harmful.

Snacking is considered sinful by people on a weight loss program. In reality, an unknown fact about weight loss is that snacking right helps in managing one’s calorie intake. What you snack on decides whether it will help you lose or add the kilos. 

Choose fruits, nuts, yogurt, sprouts, and other such healthy snacks for the much-needed energy boost between meals. These foods are not only filling but also provide vital nutrients, such as fibre that keep you fuller for longer. So, the easiest solution to effective weight loss is to eat three meals and two snacks per day. Understanding these diet myths and facts will ensure that you neither starve yourself nor binge on junk food to replenish your energy levels. We suggest some health-snacking options for you to buy, click here 

Myth #4 - Fat causes weight gain.

In the world of weight-watchers, fat has earned a bad rep. One of the common fat loss myths is that fats are considered harmful when, in reality, not all fat is bad for our health. Fats, such as saturated and trans fats used in fast foods, are harmful. 

However, dietary fats are essential for a healthy weight loss program and a healthy body. Healthy fats such as those found in olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, avocados, eggs, yogurt, and cheese can aid weight loss. They improve heart health, reduce belly fat, and maintain healthy skin and joints, energy levels, and brain functions. All you need to do is unfollow this weight loss myth and select your fats wisely.

Myth #5 - Carbs are bad.

Ditching carbs is another weight loss misconception. This is a weight loss myth that leads to weight gain. When we avoid carbs, we deny our body a much-needed source of energy. A diet deficient in carbs can cause weakness, headaches, constipation, nausea, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and a lack of concentration. 

Carbs are essential for maintaining healthy body weight and the functioning of the central nervous system, the brain, kidneys, and heart muscles. Carbs, including fiber, support digestion and keep us feeling fuller for longer. Choose carbs loaded with nutrients, such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, milk products, and starchy vegetables instead of ditching carbs altogether.

Myth #6 - Cut out sugar.

A common weight loss myth is cutting out sugar from our diet. Reducing sugar is crucial for weight loss, but completely cutting off sugar is not necessary. It could be counterproductive as you may not be able to control your temptations and give in to binge-eating your favourite foods. So, all the efforts that you put in may be in vain. 

A better option would be to eat smaller portions of sugary foods, such as desserts, and limit their consumption so that it doesn’t affect your weight loss program.

Myth #7 - Starving is the best way to lose weight.

Starving is the worst of the fat loss myths that many of us resort to out of sheer desperation. It is likely to result in weight gain rather than weight loss. This weight loss myth is not only difficult to follow but is also damaging to our health. As starving requires us to consume limited food, we lose out on essential nutrients. Furthermore, low energy levels due to starvation cause us to crave high-fat, high-sugar foods, and thus, we gain more than the required calories. Therefore, instead of starving, it is ideal to eat right and when hungry. Following a healthy diet goes a long way in losing excess weight without harming our bodies.

Myth #8 - Eat less, work more!

People with excess weight often follow this weight loss myth in the hope of burning calories. This advice fails to work for those who suffer from a serious weight issue. Instead, taking into consideration the facts about weight loss and exercise by following a regular fitness regimen along with a healthy diet will go a long way in losing excess weight, gradually and permanently. 

Myth #9 - Drink more water to lose weight.

Drinking water keeps us hydrated. It helps replace the fluids we lose through sweat and urination. However, drinking excess water can harm the body. It can lead to a disruption of brain function, which can cause drowsiness, headaches, and confusion. Drinking excess water to lose weight is one of the biggest weight loss myths due to lesser-known body fat facts. 

Drink water only when you are thirsty. This will keep you hydrated and also aid digestion. The quantity of water you need will depend upon your physical activity, climate, weight, and sex. 

Myth #10 - You can lose weight quickly.

In a bid to lose weight, we follow others without taking into consideration that we are all different. We differ in our metabolism, our set of hormones, and the way they affect our health, environmental factors, and our underlying health issues. It is one of the weight loss myths that need to be unfollowed before embarking upon a weight loss program. 

Weight loss myths and facts tend to leave us confused. The easy way out is to adopt a fitness and diet routine that suits your personal needs to help you lose weight without impacting your health.

To sum up

Losing weight is a challenge. To lose weight the healthy way, you need to take into consideration your body, your weight, and your health. Following weight loss myths will damage your health. Instead, select an appropriate fitness routine and a diet that suits your health, which will help you in the long run. Unfollow the many harmful myths about diet and exercise and follow what suits your requirements. With patience and perseverance, you will achieve your weight loss goals. While you’re at it, do visit the Wellness Forever website for products that will aid you in your weight loss journey.